2019-2021 Grants

Photo by Ebeth Scott-Sinclair
Financial and Strategic Planning Grants for ’19-’21

Book Harvest – www.bookharvestnc.org
Chapel Hill/Carrboro Public School Fdn. – publicschoolfoundation.org
Club Nova – www.clubnova.org
Community Empowerment Fund – communityempowermentfund.org
Community Home Trust – www.communityhometrust.org
Dispute Settlement Center – www.disputesettlement.org
Durham Jazz Workshop – durhamjazzworkshop.org
Durham Music Teachers Assn. – durhammusicteachers.org
El Futuro – www.elfuturo-nc.org
Empowerment – www.empowerment-inc.org
Faith Connections on Mental Illness – www.faithconnectionsmentalillness.org
Freedom House Recovery Center – www.rtpnet.org/freedom
Habitat for Humanity – Durham Co. – www.durhamhabitat.org
Habitat for Humanity – Orange Co. – www.habitatoc
Human Kindness Foundation – humankindness.org
InterFaith Council – www.ifcweb.org/
Josh’s Hope Foundation – www.joshshopefoundation.org
Johnson Service Corps – episcopalservicecorps.org/programs/johnson-service-corps
Mental Health Legislative Breakfast – www.legislativebreakfastmh.org
Musicmaker Relief Foundation – www.musicmaker.org
Musical Empowerment – musical-empowerment.org
NAMI NC – www.naminc.org
NC Warn – www.ncwarn.org
Orange Bail Bond Justice – ocbailbondjustice.org
Partners for Youth – www.pyopportunity.org
Reality Ministries – realityministriesinc.org
The ArtsCenter – www.artscenterlive.org
The Carolina Theater – carolinatheatre.org
TROSA – www.trosainc.org
UNC Center for Excellence in Mental Health – www.med.unc.edu/psych/cecmh
UNC School of Social Work – ssw.unc.edu
Urban Ministries – www.umdurham.org