Shared Visions Foundation realizes that sufficient support is vital to a nonprofit’s ability to serve the community. Far too often, nonprofit agencies are faced with the challenge of meeting their needs with limited resources. The Foundation seeks to help close the gap between needs and resources, particularly in the area of Mental Health and Basic Human Services, by assisting nonprofits with grants to increase capacity. We also offer advice and assistance in areas of social entrepreneurship, networking, collaboration and capacity building for social service groups in Orange and Durham County NC. In addition, we have a home for several nonprofit agencies at the old Murphey School offering affordable rates, in order to assist them financially in reaching their social service goals, and we own and assist in managing four affordable housing units to assist individuals. Our international work, which begins in 2023, will be financial support only, however, as in our local service, we will look for opportunities that bring the most impact and value to the communities that are served. |